Monday, December 27, 2010

Body After Recovery From Anorexia


Hello girls, well after these Christmas holidays are now over. I hope you all had the wonderful and serene days next to people you love. Today I want to show the decorations I made for the board of supervision at the house of my in-laws for the book scrapbooking where you'll find the explanations and the materials I used.
Napkin and placeholders

candle centerpiece

And here's the table set (half as :-( missing the glasses!)

now Christmas is over but it can also be useful as a decoration of the table this year.

What else to say .... this is for me the last post of 2010. It 's been exactly one year since I started this blog and I want to thank all those who this year have left me a comment or have passed away in silence only to see me. Arrange something soon to celebrate its birthday!
Meanwhile, I greet you, I thank you very much for the affection shown to me and I embrace
wishing you a 2011 full of peace and wishes made

Friday, December 24, 2010

Is Tattoing Over Strech Marks O



Friday, December 17, 2010

Why Does My Dvd Look Grainy


Hello to all. Well, yes ... Today is Friday 17 ... but who cares!! Are you superstitious?? I do not, because today will celebrate the birthday of Luke and I'll bring home seven children, who will prepare a delicious lunch and then everyone to play. Luke actually performs them on December 19, but these will be three days of festivities today with their classmates tomorrow with his grandparents and uncles and Sunday by Pope grandparents, uncles and cousins \u200b\u200bon my side with double celebration as Martina was born 4 days before Luke! And yes, my sister and I have virtually given birth to a whole, has been a wonderful experience to share the 9 months of pregnancy .... Sorry for the chatter
but today I'm in the mood to remember and as such I present to you my page Sketchalicious , loooong romantic .... and pictures of my marriage dated: July 22, 1995!

To realize I Creative Imaginations Paper used fantasy and My Mind's Eye, Flowers Before .
To see the other wonderful interpretations go to Sketchalicious .
Meanwhile, I greet you, wishing you a good weekend and I promise that I will refer the party to hear you soon with updates and pre-Christmas preparations