Monday, December 28, 2009

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Thesis evaluation and athletic

Tests conducted by the Centre Prisma - Medical Study and Research Center AURA Activator for athletic training and functional evaluation of all athletes of any level. In the links on the right you can get a more detailed explanation of some tests:

Plan Your Training over a part or the whole season
is programmed in the most personalized training possible to evaluate the results obtained in the assessment tests, personal goals and the physiological responses induced by previous training.

programming that specific workout with power meter M R S Training System (and other models)
now know that heart rate is not accurate, only R S M Training System you can program the work and assess the state of the form as accurately as (More info about the following links: SRM Training System Power and Heart Rate VS).

test device functionality AURA Activator ®
through a predetermined protocol, you can run tests to assess the functionality of devices AURA Activator ®.

Assessment Test explosive force of the Legs
Using the optical-sensing instrument Optojump ® can be assessed through a series of jumps, the functional morphology of muscles of lower limbs and neuromuscular skills that an athlete possesses.

Evaluation of reaction time
Using the optical-sensing instrument Optojump ® is possible to calculate the reaction time in response to a stimulus (upper and lower limbs, departure, movement, etc.) in order to assess the speed of processes information.

Evaluation of power produced by anaerobic metabolism and lactate during alactacid a series of jumps
Using the optical-sensing instrument Optojump ® can be evaluated during a series of jumps, the energy supplied by anaerobic metabolism and lactate alattaccido.

Analysis of contact time and flight during the race
Using the optical-sensing instrument Optojump ® can be measured on a treadmill and the contact time of flight during the race.

Evaluation of static and dynamic subject
By posturological Tetrax ® system you can analyze the balance of the subject and the mechanisms it uses to maintain it.

Analysis of symmetry the legs in the jumps
making a series of jumps on a particular platform can detect any imbalances in the forces of the lower limbs, allowing them to prevent a possible muscle injury.

Test Force - speed in cycling
allows you to identify which Cadence will deliver the maximum power, it is important to identify expressions of personal strengths and then set the best training.

Wingate Test
Determines the power to lactic acid and the% of maximum resistance to power through a trial in 30''bicycle Ciclomulino. It is also possible to assess the heritage glycolytic enzyme.

Power Curve Analysis - Time to exhaustion of the cyclist
Through running a couple of tests you can analyze and control throughout the season, the anaerobic and aerobic component of the cyclist, it is essential to set the best the work program based on the characteristics and personal goals.

Conconi test for the detection of anaerobic threshold for cyclists and runners
increasing loads to test capable of detecting the anaerobic threshold, beyond which the blood lactate concentration increases gradually, and Personal training rates are crucial for planning the best training.

Mader test for cyclists and runners
studied the kinetics of lactate assessing the aerobic component by identifying the power-velocity expressed at 2 and 4 m / mol lactate. The test is useful for finding the pace of personal training and test conditions have changed shape during the year.

Test Maximum Lactate Steady State (MLSS) for cyclists and runners
Through a series of steps and measuring the concentration of lactic acid in blood, it is possible to identify the intensity in which one has the maximum lactate steady state (MLSS), which represents a precise figure of the anaerobic threshold.

Test dell'Endurance
To estimate the maximum time for which the athlete would be able to pedal at a particular intensity through a series of measurements of the concentration of lactic acid in the blood is important for assessing the the fitness of the athlete.

Test VO2 max of maximal oxygen uptake
test to measure maximal oxygen uptake staff that represents the displacement of the athlete, it is also important to identify the anaerobic threshold and personal rhythms' training.

Evaluating the Performance of the subject
key test for assessing the economicizazzione a move (walking, running, cycling etc.) to a certain intensity.

Analysis of energy expenditure
important test to measure the amount of energy expended at rest or during a sporting gesture. With this analysis is also possible to create accurate personal diet programs associated with physical activity.

Prediction of maximal oxygen uptake test with a sub
test to estimate maximal oxygen uptake staff without performing a test ceiling.

Assessment Through a balance
stabilometric platform you can assess the balance of the subject in various positions. It 'also important in recovery after injury.

Test Mognoni
test that allows runners to identify the anaerobic threshold pace and personal training through a levy of lactate after a trial of six minutes.

Test BAS
allows you to find the speed in km / h of anaerobic threshold for runners.

Test Gacon
incremental field test, and maximum intermittent allows estimation of the VAM (speed maximum aerobic) of a runner.

Test Leger
field tests and incremental shuttle ceiling important for the determination of the resilience of the subject and to estimate the maximum oxygen uptake and maximum aerobic speed.

Test Coverciano
Through a series of intervals on the field at full speed, you can analyze the speed endurance athlete.

Yo - Yo endurance test
through a field test that race continues to gauge the ability to work continuously and for prolonged periods of time. It is suitable for everyone, whatever the level of training, compete in endurance activity.

Yo - Yo intermittent endurance test
field tests and through a stroke with intermittent recoveries of 5''evaluates the abilities to repeatedly perform work phases of medium and high intensity for a period of time. It is particularly suited to those sports that require intermittent activity such as team tennis, combat sports, etc..
sports massage and rehabilitation

Yo - Yo intermittent recovery test
field tests and through a stroke with intermittent recoveries of 10'' after each shuttle assess the individual capacity to recover rapidly following stages of work at high intensity, and be prepared to subsequent phases of equal intensity.

Realization of personal orthotics
For a better expression of his own strength while walking, running and cycling, it is possible to do with embedded devices AURA Activator of personal orthotics also essential to prevent injuries.

Optimization of cycling position
With appropriate tools and calculations and can find the optimal position in the saddle, preventing the onset of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system overload, increasing comfort and driveability of the vehicle, thereby contributing to improved performance.

Planning of training over a part or the whole season
is programmed in the most personalized training possible to evaluate the testing results of assessment, personal goals and the physiological responses induced by training earlier.



With regard to the main physiotherapy services offered by the Center Prisma - Medical Study and Research Center AURA Activator: Yag Laser


Sit (infiltrative transdermal system)

Tecar (endotherapy)

Ultrasound therapy


Horizontalterapia (interferential current)


Rehabilitation after global

functional rehabilitation

Manual therapy



Daily hire: Magnetobox and Kinetec (mobilization of the passive knee)

Sunday, December 27, 2009

How Long After Implantation Can Symptoms Occur

Conconi Test (or Test Threshold)

The Conconi test was implemented in 1982 by biochemist Francesco Conconi of Ferrara. The objective of this test is q uello indirectly determine the anaerobic threshold, a very important parameter to set the best training as it can get personal training pace (Slow Fund, Fund Long, Middle Fund, Fund Quick, intensity threshold, 4 mmol, VAM and intensity ceiling) with whom you can have a more precise distribution of workloads without incurring risks such as Overtraining (overtraining) may impair the performance of the entire season.
The anaerobic threshold is the intensity (in HR, in power, in km / h) above which aerobic mechanisms alone can not adequately meet the energy demands, resulting in a buildup of lactic acid concentration resulting in a muscle soreness, a sort of signal more intense muscle fatigue up to be unbearable, forcing the athlete to reduce the intensity of exercise.
The protocol of Conconi test is incremental-ceiling, that provides for increases in intensity at regular intervals until they reach exhaustion. The test lasts approximately 15 minutes and the parameters recorded were heart rate and intensity in watts or km / h.
For cyclists the Conconi test is done with your bike on a cycle ergometer resistance aeroedinamica, the test provides increases of 10-20 W every minute depending on the level of the athlete.
For runners instead Conconi test is performed on a treadmill and provides increases of 0.5-1 km / h again depending on the level of the athlete.
Through the study and reached maximum values \u200b\u200bof the graph obtained from the relation of two variables can indirectly identify the athlete's anaerobic threshold.
Test Conconi is therefore a valid method for understanding how best to approach training and to assess the progress of the state of the form by running the test several times during the season.

Dr. Matthew Michelusi
Test Centre Manager Prisma - Medical Study and Research Center AURA Activator

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Test VO2 Max Test

The test of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 Max), through the use metabolimeter analyzing a breath by breath gas exchange (VO2 and VCO2), allows staff to directly measure the maximal oxygen uptake which is considered a more reliable index of the capacity exercise. Physiologically speaking, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 Max) is the maximum volume of oxygen that a human can consume per unit of time for muscle contraction. This value is expressed in ml / min (milliliters per minute) or ml / kg / min (milliliters per kilogram of body weight per minute).
This parameter as well as the level of training can be influenced by several factors such as different muscles are used, age, sex, genetics and efficiency of athletic movement.
The test of the maximum oxygen uptake (VO2 Max) is incremental ceiling, that provides for increases in intensity at regular intervals until reaching exhaustion.
analysis of gas exchange (VO2 and VCO2) is detected by performing the test with a special mask attached to a metabolimeter that elaborates all the data for a period of approximately 15 minutes, the main parameter measured is the oxygen consumption (VO2) and consumption of carbon dioxide (VCO2), but also the variables are combined with heart rate and the load in watts or km / h.
for cyclists VO2 Max test is done with your bike on a cycle ergometer resistance aeroedinamica, the test provides for increases of 10-20 W every minute depending on the level of the athlete.
For runners instead of the VO2 Max test is done on a treadmill and expected increases in 0.5 to 1 km / h again depending on the level of the athlete.
addition to the maximum oxygen uptake in this assay can detect the ventilatory anaerobic threshold: a method proposed by Wasserman that relates the evolution of ventilation, ie the volume of air inhaled and exhaled from the lungs in one minute, and oxygen consumption, a higher intensity anaerobic threshold ventilation abruptly increases while oxygen consumption remains linear, and thus the respiratory quotient (ie the ratio between carbon dioxide and oxygen consumed) is higher one.
This test is also interesting because it allows us to identify the MAS (maximal aerobic speed) which corresponds to the maximum intensity in which the body is capable of delivering energy through aerobic metabolism.
The test of maximal oxygen uptake (VO2 Max) is therefore another good way to identify training and personal rhythms to assess their state of fitness during the season.

Dr. Matthew Michelusi
Responsible Test Preparation Center and Prism - Medical Study and Research Center AURA Activator

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Get Gold Plated Desert Eagle

power - Cadence (Strength - Speed)

The Power Test Cadence ( Force - Speed \u200b\u200b) is a test to determine the maximum power (in watts), expressed by the cyclist and at what Cadence is achieved. In addition, the
Test Power - Cadence ( Force - speed) determines the evolution of the power and strength at different cadence, it becomes essential to identify and assess: •

the personal expressions of force (Maximum Strength, Dynamic Strength maximum, explosive strength and rapid force) depending on the speed of muscle contraction,
• staff reduction of force
• the ability to maintain high expression of force as the speed of muscle contraction. • the characteristics of the athlete

• pace of work for strength training road bike. The

Test Power - Cadence ( Force - Speed \u200b\u200b) turns out to be an effective method to control the maximum strength of an athlete during the season, is to run with your bike on a cycle ergometer applied to a drag series of sprints lasting 5-7 seconds at different rates and a full recovery from one test to another. By linking together the power and frequency parameters obtained in the various tests you can evaluate all the data previously described
Finally, by comparing the power Test - Cadence ( Force - Speed \u200b\u200b), which as we already have seen in previously analyzes the anaerobic component of the athlete, with a test of aerobic (Conconi Test, VO2 Max, Testing Mader, etc.) is possible to estimate the personal power curve - time to exhaustion is important not only to study the anaerobic and aerobic component of the athlete but also to assess the form and if there is the need to intervene with appropriate stimuli workout.

Here's a video example of the power Test - Cadence performed at the Prism Centre :

Dr. Matthew Michelusi
Test Centre Manager Prisma

Friday, December 25, 2009

Headaches And Swollen Feet After Giving Birth

Mader test for cyclists and runners

The Test Mader is a method proposed by Mader et al. in 1976 with the objective to identify the anaerobic threshold, more specifically the objective of the test Mader is to identify at what intensity corr esponding a concentration of lactic acid in blood equal to 4 m / Mol. This value was identified as the intensity of anaerobic threshold, but was then seen that in most cases, the maximum lactate steady state (which corresponds precisely to the anaerobic threshold) is a concentration of lactic acid in the blood below. However, the intensity at 4 m / Mol is a parameter frequently used as a specific strength training. The test
Mader, in addition to identifying the intensity at a concentration of lactic acid in blood equal to 4 m / Mol, is also important to study the kinetics of lactate with increasing effort to identify the anaerobic threshold, to identify personal training pace (Slow Fund, Fund Long Fund, Medium, Fast Fund, intensity threshold, 4 mmol, VAM and intensity ceiling), and whether the amendment of the conditions of form during the year.
the test protocol for Mader is rectangular and sub-ceiling, that provides a steady level 3-4 steps interspersed by rest periods of recovery from one step to another there is a gradual increase in workload at the end of each step is a measurement of the concentration lactic acid in the blood through the levy of a drop of blood from the finger or ear lobe, which is evaluated by a special device. The test lasts approximately 45 minutes taking into account the phases of recovery. For cyclists
Mader's Test is done with your bike on a cycle ergometer resistance aeroedinamica, the test provides increases of 20-50 watts from one step to another depending on the level of the athlete.
For runners instead Mader test is performed on a treadmill and provides increases of 1-2 km / h again depending on the level of the athlete.
Through the study of lactic acid concentrations achieved in several steps, and relating them with the intensity (Power or speed) and heart rate, the test becomes a precise and Mader great way to find the rhythms of personal training and assess the state of the state of the form by running the test several times during the season. Finally combining this test to test MLSS (Test of maximum lactate steady state) is possible to identify the actual concentration of lactic acid in the blood level of anaerobic threshold with the relative intensity in W, Km / h and heart rate.

Dr. Matthew Michelusi
Test Centre Manager Prisma - Medical Study and Research Center AURA Activator