Friday, January 28, 2011

How To Know If My Ring I

Amnesty International: Tunisia has to break definitively with the past

Amnesty International: Tunisia has to break definitively with the past
(January 24, 2011)
Amnesty International today called on the Tunisian authorities to thoroughly overhaul the justice system and the repressive apparatus of the country's security. The organization intends to submit to a new government of Tunis Agenda for change in terms of human rights, " that would introduce fundamental reforms and stable, able to finally break with a past decades of human rights violations. "It is a decisive moment for Tunisia. We need real change, not cosmetic. As a first step, the government must immediately take control of security forces and ensure that they are held accountable for their actions. Human rights must be the core, not an option, the new government program "- said Claudio Cordone, director of regional research and programs at Amnesty International.
Amnesty International has welcomed the Government's pledge to release all political prisoners, but calls for more urgent action and far-reaching
security forces must be provided in an area of \u200b\u200blaw, any apparatus belonging to them should be above the law and must be issued clear guidance on the use of force, to prevent lethal munitions are still being used to disperse the demonstrations;
authorities should publicly condemn the use of torture and act quickly to eradicate it, among other things, bringing to justice those who ordered, committed or covered up acts of torture and providing redress to victims;
the Tunisians will be confident that the judiciary will treat them with fairness, the judges will be independent and confident that they will not be removed;
Tunisians should be able to speak and act freely, the authorities will annul all laws that have criminalized the peaceful exercise of their rights to freedom of expression, association and assembly, stop persecuting the former political prisoners and lift restrictions on travel abroad, the
authorities must address the root causes of the current protests, putting an end to discrimination, abuse of power, to the unequal access to essential public services and ensuring the minimum essential level of economic, social and cultural rights to the entire population.
Finally, Amnesty International points out that reforms without investigation into violations of the past that have marked the government of Ben Ali, ring hollow. For this reason, the human rights organization calls on the Tunisian authorities to investigate all round the last two decades, as the events of the last two weeks, to give the Tunisians truth, justice and reparation. "The Tunisians want to investigate it properly, not commission powerless and unable to call on the authorities to testify. They want to know the truth about the repression and abuse of power and the victims of the latter must have access to justice and reparation "- said Cordone.

Read in English the 'Agenda for change in terms of human rights "to the Government of Tunis
(January 20, 2011) Tunisia, the release of all political prisoners (January 17, 2011) Tunisia: cancel the license to "shoot on sight" (January 10, 2011) Tunisia: weekend of blood, the authorities should protect the protesters removed from the site


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