"Introduction to Magic" by the Group of Ur the late twenties of 900, a small and courageous group joined in a noble ideal.
Change, with the "Magic" in a positive manner the Italian political environment at that time.
They wanted to return to old values \u200b\u200band solids of antiquity.
Unfortunately, the group (among them was Julius Evola), was dissolved, either by the defection of some, maybe because it was in turbulent times.
In those years the Fury squad was taken down on everything and everyone.
In these three volumes have been combined with the necessary corrections and other updates that have not changed the nature of the topics covered. all issues addressed by the esoteric initiation.
Each had a "nick", as they say nowadays. A fictional name, because for them it was not important to the individual, but what I wanted to transmit to third parties.
I must say that these three volumes (the first is worth more than others, but of course everyone makes basic things), I have opened a new dimension with regard to the esoteric and subtle world.
The word "magic" is always too much abused in recent times.
On the Internet there is so much hypocrisy and falsehood.
I recommend reading these books.
You'll only be learned.
From the book:
"The process is the reverse of common life, which usually precedes the theory el practical experience.
We, however, here we have the interior action, free initiative that leads us to think about things, alleged or believed, but experienced ... The New Age does not require acts of faith of any kind. It does require good will and a mind free from prejudices and a priori Discuss ... this or that is unnecessary, because the foundations of the debate may not be the same, nor is anything in this field, only a belief created by discursive arguments. We must instead try to accept and operate, and observe what follows from the acceptance and objectivity from the depths of our being. The criteria and knowledge will be a result and not a starting point ... "
And again
" ... what the religious believes God is not that was a he could achieve if he were capable of believing in himself. So instead he poses with incurable blindness an obstacle before him and did not venture beyond which to take a leap.
He creates an image for worship, instead of becoming in it.
If you pray, pray to your invisible yourself. He is the only God who answers prayers. The other gods I offer stones instead of bread.
... when your in you will appear invisible Yourself as entities recognize the fact that you can throw a 'shadow ...."
Few books can give you something, especially on these roads so rough, but I'm sure that they are able to convey so much, only those who have ears to hear ... Happy reading!