At the end I am a tree in a forest of electronics and software giga byte, no, they are old, now there are the famous TERA BYTE!
UUUUUU ... the name looks like a chaotic deity of a fantasy film series B.
And to think that on this path I have come a long way electronic ... I remember the first time I saw a PC, a decade ago, at the home of a friend of mine: "I am doing something and back, while you turn on your homes," I went into a panic. What is a holiday? Where lights are beast ... but most importantly, why me?
The fact that he came back and I operate the PC as if I had in my hands a barrel of nitro glycerin.
Yet now here I am, among leave and return. I also do with a blog. And a fart in the distance is the space between the whistling of the wind and a bale of hay that passes.
But I do not smile too much in his sleeve, not my name is Mona Lisa? U__U
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